Team which plays cricket.
Examples for "cricket team"
Examples for "cricket team"
1Many residents in India's only majority Muslim state support Pakistan's cricket team.
2Back home Neehan is the captain of his state under-14 cricket team.
3A documentary following the Australian cricket team also proved a recent hit.
4You can't tell me that a cricket team has no financial wastage.
5One of my many onerous responsibilities is organizing the legation cricket team.
1British prime minister visits the Colombo cricket club in Sri Lanka on Saturday.
2Whether that's online, in your local gym, the local cricket club, a nutrition course.
3It has the jolly atmosphere of a local cricket club, with wellies, not whites.
4Say, Bert, don't you want to join my cricket club?
5A passionate supporter of cricket , he was president of Kent county cricket club in 1992.
6You never got invited over to the cricket club.
7He's the captain of our cricket club, you know.
8I made my England cricket debut in front of 50 people at a village cricket club.
9Interests Leeds football club, Yorkshire county cricket club.
10We got up a rattling good cricket club.
11He appeared at the scout headquarters, the pavilion of a small local cricket club, on Wednesday morning.
12In 1950, Thornton married Constance Billows, whom he had met at a cricket club dance in Skipton.
13Those to the rear are of the verdant fields and quaint cricket club house of the local VEC.
14We sneaked into the local cricket club to take advantage of subsidised beer and polish off a curry.
15There is even a cricket club.
16It was his cricket club dance.
Translations for cricket club